Thursday 28 July 2011

Bleacher Seats Added, But Parade, As Always, Is FREE

20,000 Ready to Keep on Jumpin’ this Saturday
Toronto July 28 … Fresh on the heels of a highly successful Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival (STCC) Yorkgate Mall Children’s Parade, organizers have announced improvements and a route change to the FREE Big July 30th parade. And, indications are that the will involve a record number of costumed dancers and a record number of people in the stands!
“The Mas Camps are now open, and, according to the Toronto Mas Bands Association, people are lining up to purchase costumes and commit to the big event,” said Festival CEO, Denise Herrera-Jackson. “The route is being expanded to allow more dancers on the road at one time. We expect close to 20,000 people on the route this summer and over 1.2 million people lining Lakeshore to watch them play Mas!”
In addition to changing the route of the parade, STCC is adding a market area, rides, and food, merchandise vendor and paid seating to accommodate up to 30,000 spectators. There is still no charge to observe the parade along the western end of the route. Most of the new seating is near the expanded parade route and does NOT infringe on traditional free viewing areas.
“ We worked with the Toronto Mas Band Association to improve the parade route,” said Chris Alexander, the festivals CFO. “We will start the parade heading east inside the CNE grounds and then head south at the Automotive Building before heading west onto Lakeshore Blvd near the entrance to Ontario Place. This will ensure that all bands will make it onto the parade route this year and there will be seating for anyone who wants to see the parade in comfort.”
The parade will start on the CNE grounds, south of the BMO field. From the BMO field the parade heads east towards the Princess Gates. At the Automotive Building (now called the All Stream Centre) the route turns south to Lakeshore Blvd.
At Lakeshore Blvd the parade route points west, towards its traditional route. Just after the Mas Bands enter Lakeshore they will pass the new Judges stand where they will perform their routines. After leaving the Review Stand the bands will head west in a Road March parade mode.
Near the Judges stand there will be a VIP section where spectators can purchase individual tents for companies and families and friends. They can also be part of the very large VIP tent. Price for the individual tents are $150 and VIPs paying $50 each can purchase that tent for a group.
The bleacher seats near the BMO field are $15 each and the rest of the parade route is free. Seating can be purchased at

About the Festival:

The Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival is an exciting three-week cultural explosion of Caribbean music, cuisine, revelry as well as visual and performing arts. Now in its 44th year, it has become a major international event and the largest cultural festival of its kind in North America. As Carnival is an international cultural phenomenon, the great metropolis of Toronto and its environs will come alive as the city explodes with the pulsating rhythms and melodies of Calypso, Soca, Reggae, Chutney, Steel Pan and Brass Bands. The Festival Management Committee is responsible for the managing and staging of North America’s largest outdoor festival.
Corporate sponsors of this year's festival include: Scotiabank, The Toronto Star, Sway Magazine, The Grid, CTV, CP24, Urbanology, FLOW The Federal Government of Canada, The Province of Ontario, The City of Toronto, Tourism Toronto, Mobilicity, The Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Ontario Place, Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario Science Centre, Toronto Public Libraries, Yorkgate Mall, Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex & Liberty Entertainment Group, The Caribbean Camera Newspaper, Toronto-Lime.Com, and GraceKennedy (Ontario) Inc.
For more information about the programs and events, please visit the festival’s official website at The Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival Office is located at 263 Davenport Avenue, Lower Level; Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 1E9. Contact info: Tel: 416-391-5608; Fax: 416-391-5693; Email:
Cutline: Chief Bill Blair and Mas Models at the recently held official launch of the Parade.

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