Saturday 30 July 2011

Statement from the Caribbean Carnival with regards to a fatal shooting this evening

A Statement from the Caribbean Carnival

The Toronto Caribbean Carnival is aware that a fatal shooting took place this evening near the Festival parade along Lakeshore Blvd. CEO Denise Herrera Jackson and CAO Christopher Alexander are both shocked and deeply saddened by the news of the lose of life.
"We are saying prayers for the injured and the dead," said Ms. Jackson. " Our festival is about love and community, and to have this happen so close to our event is devastating. We work so hard to make our event safe and family friendly, it is unthinkable that such a thing could happen."
The Toronto Caribbean Carnival held its annual parade today. The parade, which involved over 17,000 performers and musicians, officially ended at 6.20 with the announcement of the prize winners from the parade.
" The shooting occured about an hour after we closed up our operation," said Mr. Alexander. " Most of our staff had left the grounds when were heard the sirens. I went immediately to the site, but, was unable to learn very much about what occurred this evening. We have a very good relationship with the Toronto Police and we trust that details of the what occured today will soon be made public.
The Toronto Caribbean Carnival had over 250 security officers from 5-different firms (including Metro Toronto Police pay duty officers) working on the 4.5 km parade. The police cooporated very well with us to ensure that the parade was safe and successful.

For further information

Stephen Weir

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