Friday 27 January 2012

How to beat the high cost of personal and public relations' photography

City of Toronto pitches in to reduce the cost of photography!
from a recent popular Stephen Weir Facebook posting 

 Valentine's Day is coming and you want to give the friends back in Renfrew a family portrait but you can't afford the high photographer's fee? Found a cheap(ish) solution. Load the family in the car and drive through a yellow light at Yonge and Lawrence. Printing is free and the post-office delivers! Thanks City Hall - the $350 photo fee was worth it, I now have a great VD greeting card to show the folks back home how cheap it is to live in the Big Smoke.  
I am now working on a series of photos for an upcoming PR campaign. Just having problems convincing my clients to stand on a flatbed truck as I roar through the intersection three times (I bracket my shots!).

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