Saturday 12 January 2013

Interviews available with Deborah Coyne about her e-book memoir

"Unscripted"  - Candid ebook by federal Liberal Leadership candidate Deborah Coyne

For Immediate Release
January 12, 2013

Toronto -- In her memoir released today, Liberal Party of Canada leadership candidate Deborah Coyne says the ability of Canadians to work together as a nation is seriously frayed.  She urges Canadians to get off sidelines of national politics and fully embrace what we can do with our ideas, talents, and drive.
Unscripted: A Life Devoted to Building a Better Canada weaves Coyne's life-long dedication to seeking bold directions for Canada with her personal path, including her 15-year relationship with the late former Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau.
"As my relationship with Pierre developed through 1986, we began spending more time together, mainly weekends at the chalet when the boys were with Margaret in Ottawa. He made it clear from the beginning that the boys were his first priority and that remarriage was out of the question, although he also said that he regretted he wasn’t 20 years younger because there might have been a different outcome. Ever the rational man, he was more realistic than I was about our age difference."
Coyne takes her readers on a thoughtful journey through her life, and her personal role in some of the landmarks of Canadian political history, including the fights against the Meech Lake and Charlottetown constitutional accords.
"Like many Canadians, I have lost confidence in the fundamentals of our democratic system, along with the idea of an honest and efficient federal government. I’m frustrated with endless reports of wasted money and ineffective programs. I resent years of federal leaders creating short-term opportunities for consumption instead of long-term opportunities for education and employment, leaving us spectacularly unprepared for an age of restraint and environmental devastation. Sadly, especially for many young people, it’s much easier to give up on national politics altogether and settle for mediocrity and low expectations."
Frankly outlining how her life experience has led to her seeking the Liberal leadership,  Coyne calls for voters to "get back in the game” with her call for "One Canada For All Canadians", saying it's important not to leave the future of Canada only to political actors in Ottawa.  She argues that we urgently need coherent national leadership that governs for the long-term, not just the next election.
"We all need to come together, forum by forum, riding by riding, to fight for nothing less than the soul of our nation. That’s why I’ve always thought that our leaders need to be poets, not merely pollsters. To inspire people to give as much of themselves as they ask of their governments. "
Unscripted: A Life Devoted to Building a Better Canada can be downloaded at Kindle and Kobo bookstores for $2.99, and is available by donation at

Media Contact:
Stephen Weir
Stephen Weir and Associates
416-489-5868 celll 416 801-3101

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