Tuesday 9 April 2013


 Reading Books. Playing Reporter. Talking about Literacy - Celebrity Reads in Toronto
Karlene Nation teaches a Grade 3 class to play TV reporter

 Take a book, grab your child, pull up a rocking chair and join the Karlene Nation!

Karlene Nation reads to Grade 3 students in Toronto

I wouldn't have been upset if Karlene Nation had turn down my request to give up part of her day and read stories to Grade 3 students at the Wilcox Junior School (Ada /Oakwood) this morning.

She is a busy reporter for CFTO TV but had booked today off to get ready for a special evening -- she is to receive a Woman of Honour Award tonight from the BBPA (Black Business and Professional Association). 

But, when I told her this morning was to promote literacy and reading here in Toronto and Jamaica, she was all in!

As you can see from the pictures on this page that the young kids loved meeting Karlene. Not only did she read to them but she taught them how to be TV reporters covering a car accident (the victim had a miracle on-camera recovery).

The purpose of today's event (sponsored by Grace Food) was three-fold; to encourage parents to read to their children, inspire children with a love of reading and to raise awareness for the I P.L.E.D.G.E (I Promise to Lend Encouragement to Develop Growth in Education) Program. The Toronto schools are challenging the kids (and their parents) to read more books by introducing a "Reading Race," which is a contest challenging the kids to read as many books as possible before the end of the school year. 

Author Jessica Alex

Also speaking to the children this morning was Jessica Alex (pictured left). She is the author of the children's book -- What if the World had no Colour?

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