Friday 8 March 2019


Second Canadian Screening For HERO

A Trio of Heroes. Solomon, Williams and Anang
Special screening of the Trinidadian / Ghanian / Canadian movie HERO - Inspired by the Extraordinary Life and Times of Mr. Ulric Cross. Only second showing in Canada, last night was in honour of Ghana Independence Day. Film was shown at the recently renovated, 80 year old Westdale Theatre. Movie producer Frances-Anne Solomon and co-stars Canada’s Peter Williams (Stargate SG-1) and Ghanian movie star Adjetey Anang walked the red carpet and stayed after the movie to answer fan questions

Recently restored 80-year old theatre

Filmed in Trinidad, Ghana, the United Kingdom and Canada, HERO is the full-length docudrama about Ulric Cross (played by Trinidad and Tobago singer Nickolai Salcedo), the famed Trinidadian World War II airman. This is a big vision film that tells the story of the West Indies’ most decorated war veteran. 

Cross was a squadron leader in the Royal Air Force and went on after the war to become a jurist and an African diplomat. His life spanned key events of the 20th century when several African and Caribbean countries were on the road to independence.

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