Friday 4 November 2011

Pizza Gets Social With The Media At The Mad Italian


On Thursday evening (November 3rd) Social media practioners were invited to sample the new Zazzu Pizza Cone at the Mad Italian Gelato Bar on College Street in Toronto.
It was an all male turn-out for the event. Eight tweeters, bloggers and facebookers showed up to sample the new food.


Owner Eli Turkienicz,the man who has purchased the cone making technology and has brought the ZAZZU Hot Cone to Toronto (on left), stands with his cone chef and his business manager, as they deliver a meatball cone and a pepperoni cone to a reporter/blogger for Snap Magazine.

The cone has been available in Toronto for just a month. " The product was first launched in Europe. We purchased the special baking ovens from a manufacturer in Italy, where the products is already very popular," said Turkienicz. " What we have found a bit of a shock is that the cone is a huge hit in Brazil!"

The Mad Italian makes the crispy Zazzu dough in its Bayview cafe (1581 Bayview), and then bakes them on site in specially designed cone stands. The cooking process takes 5-10 minutes. At the Social Media Night bloggers got to try the eight different fillings that the cones come in (pepperoni, vegetarian, margherita, meatball, eggplant parmignana, spinach & ricotta, turkey & pesto and procuitto & mushroom).

OTM magazine writer Andrew Weir finishes off a pizza cone

The Zazzu Hot Cone is improving on a long standing style of casual pizza eating in Toronto's Italian restuarant and club district. For decades clubbers have purchsed pizza slices, and curled them into cone shapes and ate the food as they walked down College Street. Of course, more often than not there was a painful slide-off of the pizza pie slice into the palm of your hand. Problem Solved!

Tweet before you eat. Craigg Slowly (ThatTDotGuy) had 200 followers check out his tweeted pictures of a Cone before he actually took a bite!

Now with the Zazzu Pizza Cone, because it is cooked in the cone shape, there is no slippage at all. They are great on the go, for lunch or after pubbing or clubbing. The Mad Italian is a modern, clean restaurant, so you can eat the cone sitting down (while you tweet) or while you are strolling the College Street track!

Owner Eli Turkienicz - photo by Andrew Weir

The Zazzu Cone baking oven - photo by Andrew Weir

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