Thursday 17 November 2011

Post Script to Story About Stephen Job Devices That Have Changed How PR is done!

. Cue the Bike Helmet Camera/I-Pod .
My son Andrew and I took in the Toronto premier of My Week With Marilyn this evening at the Varsity Theatre. Big event. Too many invites sent out, so many people with tickets were turned away. We were two of the lucky ones - and paid for our luck by sitting in the neck craning front row. Our tickets were thanks to McMichael Canadian Art Collection Marilyn Monroe curator Chris Finn. He had assisted with the promotion of the movie by Alliance Films. Always interesting to watch other PR people work their events. At the end of the film the evening's publicist set up director Simon Curtis outside the theatre for a quick interview with a social media reporter. Have no idea who the fellow was, but, he didn't seem to feel silly (nor did Simon Curtis) conducting the interview with his camera/I-Pod mounted on his bike helmet! Photo by Andrew Weir.

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