New Works
by Abraham Anghik Ruben
and introducing George Hunter
Meet master Inuit sculptor Abraham Anghik Ruben and photographer, George Hunter

Thursday, Nov. 19th, 2009
5:30 pm to 11:00 pm • Kipling Gallery, 7938 Kipling Avenue, Woodbridge
WHAT: Media are invited to meet the artists at the opening of the Kipling Gallery’s latest exhibition:
New Works by Abraham Anghik Ruben, and introducing photographer George Hunter.
Abraham Anghik Ruben
The celebrated Paulatuk carver introduces his latest stone carving series, From Thor to Sedna – The Mystical Gods of the North, which draws heavily on myths of both the Inuit and Norse cultures. These bold pieces transcend boundaries imposed by traditional Inuit art mediums, portraying a fresh and broader perspective of northern cultures. At age 58, Mr. Ruben now resides in Salt Spring Island, B.C.
George Hunter
A Canadian photography pioneer, George Hunter captured the disappearing nomadic Inuit way of life for the National Film Board in this series entitled, Canadian Inuit 1946. Print images taken from Mr. Hunter’s original negatives add visual clarity and cultural context to this exhibition. Mr. Hunter’s images capture and reflect Canada and its peoples. Many of his iconic photographs are on permanent display in museums and galleries across Canada. Now 88, Mr. Hunter resides in Mississauga.
WHO: Tour the exhibition with the artists and gallery owner Rocco Pannese
WHY: Mr. Ruben’s mystical images break the mold in terms of Inuit stone carvings. He is one of Canada’s most successful and accomplished living Inuit carvers and rarely travels to Ontario. His earliest arctic work is important, not only because he has recorded a life style that has largely disappeared, but, also because the photographs are outstanding artistic achievements. George Hunter’s photography career spans seven decades. Highlights of his work include images on Bank of Canada $5 & $10 notes, Time Magazine spreads and images for Canadian pavilions at Expo 67.
WHERE: The Kipling Gallery, 7938 Kipling Avenue, in downtown Woodbridge is open Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. www.kiplinggallery.com
Media contacts:
Stephen Weir 416-489-5868 • c. 416-801-3101 • stephen@stephenweir.com
Linda Crane 905-257-6033 • c. 416-727-0112 • cranepr@cogeco.ca
Gallery Contact: Rocco Pannese (905) 265-2192 • info@kiplinggallery.com