It was snowing really bad so it was not a shock to find out that Vaughan Today couldn't free up a reporter to attend a media preview for the newly installed Norman Rockwell exhibition at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. They were willing to run something "good" about the show, but what?
It was Sunday, the kick-off to March Break and I had this picture taken exclusively for Vaughan Today. The picture, by McMichael volunteer (and professional photographer) Jason Hashimoto shows 20-year old Alexandria Maida, assuming a pose for the camera made famous by Norman Rockwell in his triple self- portrait. It shows the late American aritst painting a painting of himself using a large mirror.
All day Sunday visitors to the gallery were invited to dress up like a Norman Rockwell painting. Hashimoto took their masterpieces and the gallery emailed the pictures to the visitors. 20-minutes before quiting time I convinced Hashimoto to try his hand at copying the master. Ms Maida, a University student and weekend guide at the gallery, agreed to be the model.
Did it work? "Brilliant Steve,Thanks" wrote editor Dan Hoddinott. Within hours of receiving the photograph it was posted on their website. Did get a call from a competing media wanted to know why they didn't get a copy too?

Promised to get Hashimoto to take another masterpiece just for them the next time he was at the gallery with his Cannon and lighting kit. Could be a new career!
Top: Alexandria Maida strikes the Norman Rockwell Pose from the painting Triple Self Portrait
Middle: Triple Self Portrait by Norman Rockwell
Bottom: My picture of Jason taking a picture for Vaughan Today.