Toronto resident Stevie Cameron and Peterborough, Ontario’s Charles Foran are in the running for Monday’s Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction.
CNW to stream event from Toronto
Ontario authors Stevie Cameron and Charles Foran are two of five Canadian authors in the running for this year’s Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction. The $25,000 prize will be awarded on Monday February 14th at a lunchtime ceremony at the famed King Edward Hotel in Toronto.
Stevie Cameron has been nominated for her book On the Farm: Robert William Pickton and the Tragic Story of Vancouver's Missing Women. Peterborough’s Charlie Foran is nominated for his biography Mordecai: The Life & Times. You can follow the proceedings through CNW who will be streaming from the Awards Luncheon. https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=283693&sessionid=1&key=C155B553AA9DE3FFCC99187EC6988B71&sourcepage=register
2011 Charles Taylor Prize Finalists And Their Books Are:
Stevie Cameron
On the Farm: Robert William Pickton and the Tragic Story of Vancouver's Missing Women
Charles Foran
Mordecai: The Life & Times
Ross King
Defiant Spirits: The Modernist Revolution of the Group of Seven
George Sipos
The Geography of Arrival: A Memoir
Merrily Weisbord
The Love Queen of Malabar: Memoir of a friendship with Kamala Das
The Charles Taylor Prize celebrates Canada's literary voice, recognizing the exceptional authors who captivate us with superb command of the English language, an elegance of style and a subtlety of thought and perception.
2011 is the 10th awarding of The Charles Taylor Prize. The prize was originally awarded every two years, but due to an ever-increasing number of submissions, since 2004 the Prize has been presented annually. The Prize commemorates the late Charles Taylor, one of Canada's foremost essayists, a foreign correspondent and a prominent member of the Canadian literary community whose dream was to raise the public profile of non-fiction.
The Prize consists of $25,000 for the winning author and an award of $2,000 for each finalist with promotional support for each short listed title.
The Charles Taylor Foundation with the support of its partners presents the Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction: Ben McNally Books, Bravo! and Book Television, CNW Group, Event Source, Indigo Books and Music, Le Meridien King Edward Hotel, Quill & Quire, The Globe and Mail, and Windfields Farm.
For more information: www.thecharlestaylorprize.ca
CUTLINE: Noreen Taylor stands behind this year's short-listed books for the 2011 Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction
Stephen Weir: 416-489-5868 cell: 416-801-3101
Linda Crane: 905-257-6033 cell: 416-727-0112