FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Wednesday, September 22, 2021 Mother’s Peace Walk – against Gun Violence and recognizing the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Homicide Saturday, September 25th, starting from Yonge and Bloor at 3:00PM Mothers from across the city and province, impacted by the tragic loss of children due to gun violence will be walking for peace to recognize the National Day of Remembrance for victims of homicide on Saturday, September 25th. The Walk for Peace is being organized several community organizations that are working to engage mothers and families in desperate need of multiple supports to deal with their never ending grief and trauma, after losing children to gun violence.. “This never ending grief and trauma creates conditions that help to feed into the vicious cycle of gun violence that continues to devastate people’s lives, families and communities” according to Louis March, Founder of the Zero Gun Violence Movement.. The Peace Walk is an opportunity for the Mothers to speak out about the impact of gun violence on their lives and an opportunity to say, enough is enough, and that the time is now for all levels of government to listen and take action. Clearly what is being done now, is not working. In addition to the mothers speaking out, the program will also include several young people who have been directly impacted by gun violence. One person recently had over 50 rounds shot through his house and with one bullet passing within inched of his head. Unfortunately, he had had also loss a close friend to gun violence. Another young person will speak about the recent loss of a close friend who had turned his life around and had become a model citizen, community champion and youth worker, impacting many lives in a positive ways. Also featured on the program will be various local artists speaking about the horrors of gun violence and encouraging people to value their own lives and the lives of others. The Peace Walk will end up at Nathan Phillips Square where the program will take place. Please contact Louis Marchfrom Zero Gun Violence Movement at 416 577 3908 or Brooklyn Watson from Dear Black Men at 647-769-1623 for further information.