Saturday, 24 March 2012

Stephen Weir's Flickr account

Alvin Curly at Diversity Conference in TorontosharkontheroofScience Centre team spent an hour getting into chidren's Face (book) - da Vinci would be proudfibreglass shark built over shop entrancesnorkeller's viewmore sponge on guns
Maria between a rock and a hard placeGrafitti Face Near The Arctic CircleRecipe - Icelandic Dirt Breadsign of deathI actually forgot to remember this chair for the rest of my lifeIn Honour of the Flying Wedgie
Tweet before you eatFallen AngelThere is a hole in the ozonewooden fishfibreglass seahorse under a balcony in IcelandA different kind of breakdancing
Don't you dare  try to jay walkFish made of reeds, towers over floating village, Lake Titicaca, peruCement Dolphin from PeruMichu Picchu Nut Bar AlertIn the storage area of a Cusco cathederal art showPointy-Headed People from Peru
the latest photographs by Stephen Weir that have been posted on Flickr

BLOG NOTE - always think I am social media savy and then I go press the wrong button on  Flickr and all of sudden all my Flickr pictures are posted!  Use Flickr in part to make photographs available for download to the media. Semi-private, and of little interest, but will leave them up for awhile. Check out my set of fibreglass fish photographs!