"Let's Give It Up, For Haiti" says Sway Magazine publisher Alan A. Vernon.The above picture was taken at last week's Sway Magazine issue launch and fund raiser for Haiti. Publisher Alan launches the fund raiser at a Liberty Village recording studio in Toronto. Over the course of four hours over 600 people attended the party.
Performing briefly were: Dan Hill (accompanied by Joe Sealy), Canada’s number one unsigned artist Kim Davis, Juno Award-winner Sean Jones, and popular comedian Jay Martin. Other performers included former Sugar Jones member Maiko Watson, Drake collaborator Aion Clarke, Keysha Fanfair and Saidah Baba Talibah.
A picture of young Keysha Fanfair performing at the recently held Sway Magazine issue launch is posted on my Flickr account.
The party was attended by a number of key media people (Nneka Elliot, Karlene Nation and Ron Fanfare), Scotiabank Caribana executive members (new co-CEO Denise H Jackson, Marketing Director Andre Newell and Gala director Elizabeth Grimmond) and a few interesting but unknown celebs including a mayoral candidate and a Ghanaian Queen!
Rocco Achampong is young and black and running for mayor in Toronto. Mainstream media have ignored the lawyer's campaign, in part because there is another Rocco in the running - liberal fundraiser Rocco Rossi.
A queen from Ghana? Actually Queen Nana Sika is from Barbados. Better known as Kay Morris, the Toronto based singer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ETLQ4P6MFk) was made a Queen during a music and aid mission to the African country. To climax her 2006 mission in Ghana, the King & people of Ghana decided to honour her for the great work she is doing in Africa -- she was installed Queen Nana Sika of Berekuso, Ghana. Since then the African Queen has pledged to help build schools, clinics and provide support for children and needy communities and to continue the fight against HIV/AIDS and malaria in Africa.
The launch was also a very successful fundraiser for Haiti and Honorary Consul General, Dr. Eric Pierre, was present at the party and acknowledged the support Sway was giving to Haiti recovery work.

Cutlines: Top - Alan Vernon pledges support to Haiti during the launch of the newest edition of Sway Magazine. Vernon is the publisher.
Second from Top: Dr. Eric Pierre thanks the auidence for their donation to Haitian relief
Middle: Social Media Expert Michael Yarde talks to CFTO Reporter/Diversity Specialist Karlene Nation
Bottom: Dr. Eric Pierre (l) takes names and makes notes at the Sway Magazine Launch.