Friday, 23 July 2021

Dr. Lynn Jones, an African Nova Scotia leader will blow the whistle

Annual Emancipation Day Underground Freedom Train Ride (Virtual) July 31st., 10.45 PM


Dr. Lynne Jones

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  National Emancipation Day is coming as Dr. Lynn Jones, an African Nova Scotia leader, educator, community activist and trade unionist, blows the whistle to start the 2021 virtual Toronto Underground Freedom Train ride at 10:54 PM on July 31st.


Each and everyone is welcome to join us on our annual Toronto Freedom Train ride as we recognize the challenges and opportunities provided by Canada’s proclaimed Emancipation Day. The ride will be an incredible journey and experience about the Underground Railroad, the route enslaved Africans used to escape American slave plantations, seeking freedom in Canada and ultimately Emancipation Day on August 1st.


The theme of this year’s Freedom Train ride is ‘The Fire Within’ as we focus on the element of fire and its power to re-kindle, transform and inspire. The train ride will feature a national declaration of Emancipation Day by Senator Wanda Bernard one of the Train Ride’s previous “Conductors” and an advocate for Canada’s national recognition of Emancipation Day. 


Also featured this year will be performances by Randell  Adjei, the first Poet Laureate of Ontario, award-winning composer  Andrew Craig,  musicians Eddie Martinez, Amani Woods, Phoenix, the Freedom Train Ride Choir, and various pulsating voices from around the country and across the seas. 


Notables confirmed  to participate during the Freedom Train Ride include:

1) Mayor John Tory

2) Chief Diversity and Culture  Officer TTC - Keisha Campbell

Everyone is welcome to join us on the virtual Underground Freedom Train Ride to celebrate National Emancipation Day by tuning in to YouTube channel ADBCC - The People’s Residence - 10.45 PM


Please contact Louis March at 416 577 3908,  for further information. Information is also available on social media, twitter, Eventbrite, and instagram platforms under FreedomTrainTor.

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