Thursday 16 March 2023

 Face of the Festival (and a body too!) wanted for 2023


Just as this week’s Caribbean Camera was going to press, the Toronto Caribbean Carnival sent out a call for this year’s Face of the Festival.  The carnival is looking for a Brand Ambassador to represent the Toronto Caribbean Carnival this summer.


“Are you the next Face of the Festival?” asked festival organizers in the first issue of their new Carnival Insider newsletter. If you think you have the passion, energy, and rhythm to represent what the Toronto Caribbean Carnival is all about, we need you! Register for a chance to become the 2023 Face of the Festival.”


“If you believe carnival is LIFE and believe there is no greater joy than jamming down de road with your section, then we are looking for you. Your duties will include event appearances, event hosting, appearing in social media content, and promoting Toronto Carnival to the world!” reads the newsletter article.


In advertising for the next Face of the Festival the TCC is using a picture of a beautiful female in Mas costume (pictured left in Caribbean Camera clipping of this article). It implies that only women should apply. Last year the carnival had both a male and a female model in the role.


 I used an the Dali-E AI programme to create the copyright free drawing of a reveller at the top of this page. Article by Stephen Weir

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